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Nacbracs for Snowie Rollouts of 63S-32 — December 2011 Update
Posted By: Taper_Mike In Response To: 63S-32 4-ply XG RO anyone? (Nack Ballard)
Date: Thursday, 8 March 2012, at 12:45 a.m.
[This correction of the Snowie data for 63S-32 was first posted in another thread in December 2011. This thread and another from 2010 contain similar incorrect Snowie data.]
63S-32 Position ID: 4HPiQSDgc/ABMA Match ID: cAkNAAAAAAAA Nack posted nacbracs for a Snowie rollout of 63S-32 in two separate posts:
- Nacbrac #1: [W Z3 U4 S7 T24 H27 $29 536] 31k 25kH 27k$ 15k
- Nacbrac #2: [W Z3 U4 S7 H27 $29 T24 %36] ~31***27 25*15
In December 2011, Nack corrected certain small errors regarding the numbers of trials given to each play. He revealed, as well, that the Snowie result quoted above is actually a combination of two independent rollouts. Nacbracs for both are included in his post from December 2011. The new post also includes a description of Nack’s methodology in combining the two rollouts.
With trial counts corrected, the new aggregate has slightly different equities:
- Rollout #1: [W Z2 S4 U6 T24 H26 $28 %35 c52 e56 &77] ~20******10 5
- Rollout #2: [U Z6 W6 S14 $33 T23 H31 %38] ~10***7*5
- Combined nacbracs: [W Z1 U2 S5 $29 T22 H26 %36 c52 e56 &77] ~31***27 25*15 5
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