BGonline.org Forums
This is not a Jerry Springer Show!
Posted By: Casper van der Tak In Response To: This IS A FORUM! (Christian Munk-Christensen)
Date: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, at 4:41 p.m.
Say a potential corporate sponsor takes a look at the forum where a significant number of the best players meet... no good for BG. Say a company who wishes to hire someone who is also a BG player posting here does DD and finds these posts... by association, no good (BTW, this is not a theoretical example).
And in general, I believe that society-at-large does not benefit from public quarrels, when the problem in all likelihood could have been simply resolved with the exchange of a few private messages. Or when someone is accused of cheating, just because he played very well.
I also don't like the idea that someone can clear him or herself from an accusation (an accusation solely based on a very strong performance) by repeating the performance. In such a case, it should not be the accused's job to clear his or her name. If the 'repeat your performance to clear your name' standard is used, Bob Beamon (8.80m long-jump, Mexico, 1968) would have gone down in history as a cheater, instead of as a phenomenal athlete.
It is not hugely important either way of course, but I'd prefer if this discussion would have been kept private.
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