BGonline.org Forums
Re: Rollout
Posted By: Ian Shaw In Response To: Rollout (Stick)
Date: Wednesday, 11 October 2006, at 8:18 a.m.
Interesting that a 40% increase in gammons does not compensate for an 18% increase in games lost - a losses/gammons value of 0.47. My play came out as probably-best cubeless, so it must be the cube factor that changes the correct decision. Because White owns the cube, he will cash some games that Blue would otherwise win, and some of them will be gammons. More gammons are squandered if Blue ever cashes a 4-cube.
Also useful to note that the rollout supports Douglas Zare's estimate of the cubeful gammon price of 3/7 (0.43). In this position it is incorrect to be greedy, even though the gammon value is lower than the oft-quoted value of 0.5. However, it does exceed Zare's 0.43.
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