W seemed counterindicated to me since White seems poised to attack and Blue is not much behind in the race, so I was surprised to see that it rolled out so well. Still some variance but I'm not planning to devote any more computer time to this.

 | | White is eXtremeGammon
score: 0 pip: 160 | 7 point match | pip: 166 score: 2
Blue is Timothy Chow | |
XGID=-b----E-C--AdD-a-b-e-a--AA:0:0:1:51:2:0:0:7:10 |
Blue to play 51 |
1. | Rollout1 | Bar/20 6/5 | eq: -0.270 |
| Player: Opponent: | 46.99% (G:13.18% B:0.98%) 53.01% (G:18.92% B:1.31%) | Conf: ± 0.016 (-0.286...-0.254) Duration: 8 hours 39 minutes |
2. | Rollout1 | Bar/20 24/23 | eq: -0.276 (-0.006) |
| Player: Opponent: | 46.58% (G:12.69% B:0.91%) 53.42% (G:17.72% B:0.81%) | Conf: ± 0.014 (-0.290...-0.262) Duration: 7 hours 48 minutes |
3. | Rollout1 | Bar/20 11/10 | eq: -0.300 (-0.030) |
| Player: Opponent: | 46.26% (G:12.88% B:0.97%) 53.74% (G:18.20% B:0.93%) | Conf: ± 0.015 (-0.315...-0.285) Duration: 7 hours 29 minutes |
4. | Rollout2 | Bar/24 13/8 | eq: -0.322 (-0.051) |
| Player: Opponent: | 45.60% (G:13.68% B:0.96%) 54.40% (G:18.80% B:0.89%) | Conf: ± 0.021 (-0.343...-0.301) Duration: 3 hours 37 minutes |
1 3200 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 2 Moves and cube decisions: 3 ply
2 1603 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 2 Moves and cube decisions: 3 ply
eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21, MET: Rockwell-Kazaross