BGonline.org Forums
Posted By: neilkaz In Response To: 21$-21S-61 (neilkaz)
Date: Friday, 16 August 2013, at 10:02 p.m.
OTB I misplayed this and made the minor split as I wasn't able to remember that 24/18 was better but knew that splitting was better than building (compare 31P-21S-51)
White is Player 2
score: 0
pip: 164Unlimited Game
Jacoby Beaverpip: 164
score: 0
Blue is Player 1XGID=-aa--AD-C--AdDa--c-e----B-:0:0:1:61:0:0:3:0:10 Blue to play 61
1. Rollout1 24/18 6/5 eq: +0.2969
Opponent:57.31% (G:15.83% B:0.80%)
42.69% (G:11.87% B:0.49%)Conf.: ±0.0062 (+0.2908...+0.3031) - [100.0%]
Duration: 2 hours 23 minutes2. Rollout1 24/23 11/5 eq: +0.2712 (-0.0258)
Opponent:56.12% (G:18.11% B:0.80%)
43.88% (G:11.60% B:0.49%)Conf.: ±0.0060 (+0.2652...+0.2772) - [0.0%]
Duration: 2 hours 00 minute3. Rollout1 11/5 6/5 eq: +0.2704 (-0.0266)
Opponent:55.81% (G:18.67% B:0.86%)
44.19% (G:11.93% B:0.54%)Conf.: ±0.0058 (+0.2646...+0.2762) - [0.0%]
Duration: 1 hour 52 minutes1 5184 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 78623594
Moves and cube decisions: 4-plyeXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10.192.pre-release
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