BGonline.org Forums
Giants voting
Posted By: Rod In Response To: Giants voting (Keene)
Date: Friday, 8 November 2013, at 2:14 p.m.
Distinguishing between players is difficult.
Most weigh, in part, PR, winning ability, overall results, $ play, and maybe a few other things when voting.
Most of those, we can know to some degree (true PR and $ play being the tougher ones to know - PR is partially hidden and $ play is even more so - some top players do virtually none, while others do far more than virtually anyone knows)
So, taking a single variable and ranking people based on that can be challenging. Taking all of those and combining them is even tougher. Sometimes you know someone should be on the list but just not where exactly. In my book putting them "somewhere" is good enough - everyone's "somewheres" should balance out - it's the power of the group mind.
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