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Howard Markowitz Vs. Stepan Nuniyants – LA 2013
Posted By: MishyPoo In Response To: Howard Markowitz Vs. Stepan Nuniyants – LA 2013 (neilkaz)
Date: Wednesday, 11 December 2013, at 10:14 p.m.
I thought there was an anamoly here also,
so I went in and looked at the games where the PRs were very high (the last 2 games).
In game 7, everything seemed ok, I watched the video again and went move by move w/ the file I transcribed.
Game 8 shocked me. I thought maybe there was an error.
In this file, perhaps there is an error, but I fixed it and the PRs were still atrocious.
I couldnt understand why and I couldnt figure out my error.
So, I started fresh, I set up a position from the score at this game (game 8), and started transcribing from position.
It is still the same. Howard played an 88 in game 8.
How is this even possible? I think my XG is broken.
Can somebody please help me, send me a screen shot of your settings.
I am analyzing at "world class." What more do I need to do?
I did it 3 times to make sure I did not make an error.
But clearly my XG is damaged.
I am going to restart my computer, and do it again, just to be sure.anyhoo...here is the link to the newly transcribed game 8.
Somebody please check it.
I hope I did the dropbox/link thing correctly.http://tinyurl.com/Game8MarkowitzVsNuniyants
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