BGonline.org Forums
OLM 20140420 The Dilly Builders
Posted By: neilkaz In Response To: OLM 20140420 The Dilly Builders (Jason Lee)
Date: Sunday, 20 April 2014, at 4:51 p.m.
Sometimes when you step up under the gun you get shot. This time we get to fire both barrels and blitz. 13/5x 6/2x(2) blitzing looks to be much better than any other play to me.
So lets look at it deeper. After 13/5x, compare making the 5 pt to pointing on the 2 pt. After making the 5 pt (yes we have our 5 pt) they have 12 return shots at the blot on our bar pt and if they establish an anchor soon we are front loaded. Of course after making our 5 pt we win the game if they dance, but that is only 4 rolls. But, if they hit on the bar pt, our mid pt is stripped so a return 6 will be a mixed blessing.
Making our 2 pt looks to be lots stronger. Now they have only 11 shots and if they miss that shot and dance with one checker we have a very strong blitz cube. Note also our diversification in their IB and their blot in their OB that they can't safe without a joker when there's two on the bar.
If they dance with both now after the blitz play (4 rolls) I think that we may be TG.
13/5x 6/2x(2) ATTACK
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