BGonline.org Forums
BG Boards for sale
Posted By: Phil simborg In Response To: BG Boards for sale (TarHeelFan)
Date: Wednesday, 28 January 2015, at 2:16 a.m.
Jeb, you have always been so generous donating boards to the USBGF Boards for Kids Program and you have helped make it possible for many school kids to have boards of their own that I am happy to try to offer you some help in return.
If you don't get the price you want for any of your boards I would suggest that you do what I have done on several occasions: offer a knockout or blitz competition for the board. Set a total price that will make you happy and add something the the tournament director for letting you do this at his event (always get his agreement first of course).
How will I help? If it is a 4 or 8 player event you can count on me to enter every one. That alone will raise the equity for others to join!
Also, if you don't sell any really good ones in San Antonio, let's take some good pictures and write up the specs and I will send them to my mailing list (over 400) which includes some pretty high-rollers that might appreciate a fine board. ( And of course I will not take any fee for my help. )
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