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General principle: How to divide the prize pool?

Posted By: Roland Scheicher
Date: Tuesday, 9 June 2015, at 6:46 a.m.

We want to plan a backgammon-tournament. For the sake of simplicity we decided upon a single elimination format with progressive consolation.

(1) Now for the first question: How should the prize pool be divided?

In a small tourney with up to 16 participants, we think of three prizes:

50% to the winner,

25% to the finalist and

25 % to winner of consolation

However, we should like to have more prizes (at least when the number of participants is larger than 16): e.g. seven prizes if 16 < n <= 32 or 64, i.e. the winner, the finalist, the two losers of the semifinals, the winner and the finalist of the consolation, the winner of the last chance.

As payout schedule I think the following scheme is appropriate:

4/12 to the winner,

2/12 to the main finalist and to the winner of the consolation

1/12 to each of the two losers of the semifinals, the finalist of the consolation and the winner of the last chance

The idea behind this scheme formulated as a general principle:

(1) the winner of each flight is paid twice as much as the finalist, the finalist is paid twice as much as a semifinalist, … (as far as prizes are awarded)

(2) the winner of the main is paid twice as much as the winner of the first consolation, the winner of the first consolation is paid twice as much as the winner of the second consolation, …

(3) the winner of the Last Chance is paid the smallest prize (“one unit”)

Maybe we shall once be able to organize a really large tournament with 128 players: one main flight, two consolations and a last chance? E.g. prizes for the last eight in the main, the last four in the first consolation, the last two of the second consolation, and the winner of the Last Chance?

Is there some standard pay out scheme, which is adhered to by most of the (important) tournaments?

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