BGonline.org Forums
Ok just one more.. (Backgammon Studio)
Posted By: Terje Pedersen
Date: Monday, 22 June 2015, at 11:55 a.m.
..update before I go on vacation...
The other day Tore wanted to be able to bookmark any position (not just when playing a side in a match) and I got carried away and added images to each position along with folder support and support for creating challenges from bookmarked positions:
You can also change the size of the images so you'll fit more bookmarks on one page. You can rearrange bookmarks by moving them around. Dropping a bookmark on a folder will move the bookmark into this folder. If you are currently displaying a folder there is a 'Previous level' folder which you can click on to go up one level. You can also drag a bookmark onto this folder to move the bookmark up one level. You can also move folders around.
Earlier I added support for selecting two players in 'Matches/Match errors':
so if you want to figure out how many -0.100 errors has been made in matches between Mochy and Michy you can now find out! (Not many..)
At the same time I also added a possibility to filter out match errors from matches where one or both players played below a specified PR threshold. This would enable you to filter away 'blunder' matches which might not be too interesting to get positions from. Currently there are very few of them but I guess as the database grows this could become more useful.
Speaking of which: I have added a lot of matches from Bruce Farquhar match archive and the available matches has grown a lot the last couple of days (1396 on the public server at the moment). I haven't had the time to clean up the player list on the free server yet so there are still a lot of misspellings and aliases only names there:
Freddie Noer
Freddie Nohr
Jonah Seawald
Jonah Seewald
Mike Senkiewicz
Mike Senkiewitcz
Mike Senkowicz
I see there is also a player called 'l' (I see that the full name was used in the filename but the server wasn't able to resolve this) and there was one called 'T' but I have already removed that one. Always using the full (and correct name) in the XG file is making life a lot easier (also for yourself if you one day want to upload a lot of matches to your own private database). Using only first name doesn't always work well:
'Michael' could be one of:
Michael Clapsadle
Michael Crane
Michael Dyett
Michael Edge
Michael Flohr
Michael Ginat
Michael Lamote
Michael Larsen
Michael Nielsen
Michael Senkiewicz
Michael Urban
as there can often be a lot of people with the same name. I see there is a 'Michael Senkiewicz' and a 'Mike Senkiewitcz'. Which one is correct? I have to find out one day. I have tried to figure out who actually played a game by gathering information from different sources:
Othellos database
Chicagopoint results
Gridgammon if only an unknown alias is used. Or just googling it. Sometimes I may still get it wrong so my apologies if I end up attributing a match to someone else. Please let me know if you see anything wrong!Why make such an effort to get things right? Well, the main reason is that if you want to list matches a certain player has played it doesn't work well if this player is listed with 10 different names. What if you want to list matches between two players where each is listed with 10 different names? :-)
I also added a player overview so you can get an overview of the number of matches each player has in the database:
Hall wanted to see the evaluation along with the comments in commented matches:
I had some problems with firefox not handling this correctly but I think it should be fine now.
Commented matches are really interesting so I have added a view to easily get an overview of these matches:
I created a separate user settings section where you can turn on/off different features/buttons:
They are all off by default so if a button has gone missing this is why.
The other day I noticed I had gotten a follower on my flicker image feed: https://www.flickr.com/photos/108019204@N07 and now there are two! Whenever I add/improve something I upload a picture here so if you want to follow more closely what is going on at my server you can do it here. But don't worry I'll be spamming this forum from time to time anyway! :-)
In other news: hanswang has started to dominate the Backgammon Studio Champions list and has in a short amount of time managed to tie with Hall for 4 top positions! Well done!
Give it a try:
http://www.freebgstudio.tk/ http://www.backgammonstudio.tk/
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