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Time, commentary, and Monte Carlo

Posted By: phil simborg
Date: Sunday, 2 August 2015, at 4:40 a.m.

In Response To: Mochy vs Falafel Money game in Monte Carlo (Seth)

Monte Carlo is 7 hours ahead of US Central and 6 Hours ahead of US Eastern. So when this duel takes place at 10:30 AM in Monte Carlo, most of the people in the US will be asleep unless they set their alarm. That's the bad news.

The good news is that Tuvya will be streaming AND RECORDING the event so that it can be replayed and hopefully, maybe even with some editing, it can be turned into an excellent YouTube Video.

I will be doing commentary. Now, with Falafel and Mochy there to explain why this move is better than that move, or this cube is right or wrong, I know that my role as a commentator is to take a back seat to them when it comes to the logic behind the decisions, but I can help explain some concepts and ideas to help make casual players understand just how exciting, fun, and challenging it is to play this wonderful game. And just how skillful these two players are, even if they don't always make the best play according to the bots.

This kind of exhibition is not only exciting to see how to of the best players in the world match up and how they approach the game differently, but I look at it as a fabulous opportunity to learn, and to showcase backgammon to the world.

So while many will miss the live event, don't worry...you will have an opportunity later to watch it.

The scene here in Monte Carlo is already getting exciting as top players from around the world dribble in to the Fairmont Hotel. Last night I introduced Pinneaple BLuff Gammon (3 dice) to a fun group and many got to see Tobias backgammon me in a bear off where he had 5 checkers left and I had 1 on the ace, waiting for a shot, and he rolled Triple 6's. In this game, when you roll triples, you get to move 6 times! Svobo was sitting there wondering where this game has been all his life, while at the next table Freddy was playing a prop with Nezvat.

Randee and I had a nice walk with Alan Grunwald and Joan and a bunch of us watched one of the largest firework displays I have ever seen off the hotel balcony later in the evening.

I will be giving two separate lectures, one to beginners and one to intermediates, on tournament play and match play nuances along with 4 private sessions with groups of my students from around the world, many I have known for years but never met in person before. Not sure if I'll have time to play in the tournament!

I have already compiled 6 positions that have stumped me and others and stay tuned, there will be a video!

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