BGonline.org Forums
Posted By: HOMINID
Date: Tuesday, 15 March 2016, at 3:23 p.m.
I am eyeing a shimmering pool of blood my hand is in it my head resting on my arm, I have no memory of falling. My mind casts back to an occasion whilst on holiday in China. I wear bifocals and had stepped down what I calculated to be a shallow step. This was no shallow step my foot went down and down my body accelerated forward with three giant steps I crashed to the concrete floor and tested the density of the concrete with my head. I was very aware of my situation but just needed to collect my thoughts. Suddenly many hands were trying to lift me to a standing position. I was like a rag doll the more they tried the more ridiculous the circumstance became. I eventually managed to explain that I would just like to sit for a while. Now the tough bit I have to go and find my wife and explain what that egg shape swelling on my head was all about. These were troubled times the previous day I had embarrassed all and sundry in the tourist group on account of being very drunk on some local brew which was easy to do as I am not a drinker.
The pool of blood was still shimmering as I massaged my head to make sure it was complete. This was no time to lay and reflect obviously I had to get up and fortunately by now my wife had missed me. On stepping out of the house I had tripped and fallen down three steps hitting my head on the edge of a wall creating an inch split and spraying some plants on the way, my gift to nature. I had broken two ribs a new experience for me. For the next two days It was to take at least an hour to make the toilet and back even though it was only 10 feet away. I would thrash about on the bed like a fish out of water trying to avoid the pain all controlled by the fear of pain. What's all this got to do with the magic triangle? Nothing really just my explanation for my delay in my contribution to this post.
Some 40 years ago I would play backgammon in my lunch break with a friend. On occasions the friend was unavailable so to amuse myself out would come the paper and pencil and I would endeavour to find a bearing off solution. In time a solution appeared, it was just a simple selection of patterns. I was at Mochy's on line symposium thingy and told him about my set of rules as it was so much simpler then all that decimal point stuff. He pointed out to me that my solution was not valid on account of something or other. I replied that he was out of order in that he was moving the goalposts. To his shame he cut the chat. Well why not after all I am a lesser mortal. At the time that I produced these simple rules there were no bots available to me. I decided to check it all out now with XG. I did not do exhaustive tests just enough to prove my point. It may be that some amendments will appear in due course. At this point it is necessary to point out that bearing in is a akin to bearing off. I am in the habit of making the six five and four points etc and use the rules for stragglers in the outer board. I have researched this method with XG to my satisfaction. I originally did it with Snowie and it would amuse me as I piled them in and Snowie scattered them around the home board. The outcome was always the same a tie.
If you can play two in do so
If you can only play one in do so but use the rules for bearing off and common sense of course.
Be generous with the four point.
BEARING OFF If you can take two off do so If you can take one off with both dice do so consideration should be given to an option to take one off and fill a blank point
the placing of the final few checkers is of paramount importance they should be kept as close as possible but not touching attention should be applied even when theres a bunch to go use common sense.
do not stack unecessarily
do not optimise for doubles unless you believe your next roll will be your last. I found one occasion this was not true unfortunately I did not check at that time I suspect it was something to do with the four point.
Chuck Bower position is just optimize for doubles
Timothy Chow problem 6/off 3/1 as close as possible not touching
check this out, one on 2 three on 4 four on 5 one on 6; 41 to play.
looks like 2 rules apply but commonsense prevails. Who needs Sconyers Bearoff database. The E rule is defunct. I think I will call this Hominid's Rule or Hominid Rules either will do lol.
Back to the fish sim
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