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OT - Poker Hands

Posted By: Stick
Date: Monday, 4 July 2016, at 4:12 a.m.

Again at the casino playing low limit no limit hold 'em.

Hand #1

This is the first hand I'm involved in so I haven't been at the table very long at all. I pick up AhTd in mid position and raise. One player behind me calls and the big blind calls.

Flop: 89T all hearts.

Checked to me, I make a continuation bet, player behind me folds and the big blind calls. Heads up to the turn.

Turn: 3H

Checked to me again. I decide to check. The other player in the hand doesn't have much left stack wise. I'll guess around $85. I'm hoping he bets at the river, I move in, he calls. I don't think I get a lot of action by betting the turn.

River: blank

He bets out, I push, he calls. He has 67h for the flopped straight flush of course. I'm happy that he was sitting short so I didn't have to make any real decisions. Lots of people playing lower stakes sit short. Some are hopeless there to lose $X and then leave. I love these players, they really have no chance to walk away a winner.

Hand #2

I have AJ clubs under the gun. I come in for a raise. Limping is a legit line too of course, but I prefer not to allow limpers and to build a pot. Players at these stakes are more likely to go away post flop with the right sized bet even if they should call because of the amount of money involved.

The button min re-raises. The min re-raise is scary. I still don't know much about anyone at this table but a min raise at these stakes typically signifies big big hand. I call of course though, my hand is too strong to fold for that price.

Flop: 47J, one club

Good flop for me but I'm still terrified of the min raise preflop. I check, he bets, I just call. I'd hate to raise and get re-raised at this point.

Turn: K clubs, gives me four to the nut flush.

I check, he bets again. He still has some resemblance of a stack left but assume it's going in on the river. I'm not entirely sure what he's on but decide that I may be best now and rather than make the choice on the river I'll put him to the test now and maybe even get him to get rid of something that is ahead of me like QQ particularly or a hero lay down with AK if he reads me for JK or a flopped set. Even if he calls I obviously have outs with any club, potentially a jack or an ace depending on what he has.

He insta calls me unfortunately and turns over KK. Ouch. This leaves me with only 9 outs or about 18%. Sun shines on a donkey's ass once in a while, I suck out hard on the river with a club.

Hand #3

A8 off on the button and I call a small preflop raise from a player who plays his hand open after the flop. 4 players go to the flop. At lower limit hold 'em I see lots of flops in position with what are less than ideal hands. Anything connected and often any ace are playable. This works on the assumption that with position post flop I can play well enough to make up for playing such speculative hands.

Flop: 567 rainbow

The original raiser checkers, another guy bets, guy in front of me calls and I call. 3 players to the turn.

Turn: 2 (four suits)

Both players check to me. Big sign of weakness. I decide to try to take it down there with about a 2/3rds the size of the pot bet. I take it down, great. I don't I have probably 12 diluted outs. Otherwise, I have plans. The post flop bettor calls, other guy folds.

River: King

Checked to me and I move all in. Part of what is hard to convey about poker hands is the history that is built up over the course of a session. This guy had seen me make this all in move and get called once and I had the nuts. He had also just lostthe hand before calling a river bet he shouldn't have called. I don't know what he has but I don't believe he's strong. I think there's a real chance with all the factors involved that he'll fold. He folds.

Hand #4 - the best!

There's a button straddle otherwise I'd be under the gun. In case you don't know what a button straddle is in $1/$2 the button posts $5 and now the blinds are forced to act first preflop and the button last. The bet is also now $5 instead of $2. You can straddle in this game from either under the gun or the button.

Folded to me and I have the speed limit, 55. I raise to $15. Again, I like playing my hands fast when I'm the first in.

The guy right behind me reraises to $50. Folded back around to me. We are both pretty deep. Max buy in for this game is $400 and we both have about $600 behind. What do you do and why do you do it?

It's obvious I called or the hand wouldn't be included. My first thought, though not knowing much about this player, is that the re-raise is just a tiny shade large. The larger the reraise at these stakes the weaker the hand is on a stand alone basis. In other words, I see a lot of lower stakes players raising too much with AK because they don't really want to play postflop when they miss. They're just as happy to take it down preflop and not have to play poker postflop.

This isn't the only type of player of course. There was one woman sitting behind me who routinely made it $20+ to go on her raises and all she ever turned over was QQ or KK when she did this!

So, quick recap. Button straddle, I raised to $15, guy directly behind me makes it $50 with a reraise and I decide to call.

Flop: TT5 two spades

Yup, you read that right, TT5. Now before you read how it plays out how would you play it? I checked, he made a $75 continuation bet. Now what?

I moved all in. What do you think of this? As they say in chess, !? or ?! or ! or !!.

Here's how I quickly broke it down. If he did have AK or possibly AQ(s) etc. and I flat call he's not putting another dime in the pot unless he hits anyway. I won't get any more money out of him in these scenarios. He'll know I have a hand no matter what it is and shut down.

If he has the rest of his range, AA, KK, sometimes QQ and I make this huge overbet there's no way he thinks I have a ten. (or 55 for that matter) What will he put me on? A spade draw or possibly a weaker over pair like QQ if he has KK or AA. I'm hoping whatever big pair he has he also has a spade as a bit of insurance for him.

He calls shortly after. Didn't even tank. He had KK and figured me as I figured he would figure me. Even after I got it all in as I had hoped I still had to sweat the turn and river. Remember I lose if a ten or king comes. That's two draws at 4 outs or about 17%. I faded the sweat and spent the next couple of minutes stacking my chips like a fortress around me.


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