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Posted By: Anchor Bananas
Date: Thursday, 8 September 2016, at 4:14 p.m.

Hi to Stick (who bailed Anchor Bananas out after he fumbled his password during BGonline.org sign-up) and to all BGonliners, I'm Gertie, aka the sheriff of the Peanut Gallery. I'll be happy to give Bananas a hand if he behaves himself. He can be a real pain when he acutually gets a move right, so no promises here.

And since nobody really behaves anymore, I've got the Peanut Gallery down to a very few sturdy soles. We convene adjacent to The Green Dragon, who generally takes care of us when we're in session. That's not as reliable as it used to be. These days there's nobody but strangers around, and a lot of whispering. Some say those Dundey boys and the some creeps from Buckland are going to require five more men and a third di be used to play backgammon.

So, we're sort of hunkered down in the Peanut Gallery getting along as best we can. We used to see Arwen and Strider, but no more. Not even Gandalf. And he was just a great backgammon player! Those dice and the checkers just danced when he was playing. I mean really danced. I'm not sure I ever saw anyone beat him!

But enough of that.

Backgammon players are astonishingly resilient by nature and the best at handling misfortune and the dice gods! We have our own Mary Hickey whose 'www-wwd-www-ww' major league roller revealed in Charlotte that the magic is still around. She sent us an autographed copy of "What's Your Game Plan" she co-authored with Marty Storer a few of years back, so we're big fans of hers.

When Anchor Bananas burst into the Peanut Gallery a few days ago, that gave us a real start. We jumped him before he knew what hit him so he was looking a bit more disheveled than usual when we realized who he was. I've allowed him to stay on a provisional basis. Not sure he'll last, and am really skeptical of his claims to be a better backgammon player! He still seems pretty clueless if you ask me.

I scolded him pretty good about his below 'SALUTE TO THE DICE GODS' -- a really bad idea if you ask me in times like these! But he's the genuine Anchor Bananas all right. I mean look at his first board below with ANCHORS AT THE 21 AND 18 POINTS. Simply Bananas! Marty Storer was so right when he referred to one of his plays as "Anchor Bananas!".

Since Bananas 'nicely asked me' (actually I told him they were going up like-it-or-not!) if I'd post a couple of screenshots of a move from his unlimited game with XG Roller++ (160905 Game/roll G26r13a), typical bananas style he was clueless that you can't attach screenshots to posts.

Luckily I figured out how to create text boards using his 'eXtreme Gammon 2.10'. That surprised him as he has the only computer within days of here, and didn't think we could figure that out. While not as pretty as his screenshots, I did manage to make the font size a couple of notches larger so I think they work ok. Let me know if it should be even larger.

Below I typed up part of my conversation with Anchor Bananas yesterday so you'll know what's going on. Glad to be back in the backgammon world, and will pitch in as long as Anachor Bananas stays in line!

Cheers! Gertie
Sheriff, the Peanut Gallery

The Conversation

Gertie > "So, Anchor Bananas, we were going through the screenshots of your '16 oh-nine oh-five' file and came across your double ones (G26 at r13a). What the hell were you thinking?"

[Position before move]

XGID=---ABBBbB---bB---dBf-B-X:gramps-160905 O:XG Roller++

Score is X:33 O:38. Unlimited Game, Jacoby Beaver

| O X O | | X O X |
| X O | | X O X |
| O | | O |
| O | | O |
| 6 | | |
| |BAR| |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| X X X | | O X O |
| X X X X | | O X O |
So--BGonliners--what's your play here? G.
Pip count X: 153 O: 132 X-O: 33-38
Cube: 1
X to play 11

Anchor Bananas, laughing says > "Ah, you liked that one? I was just SALUTING THE DICE GODS for pulling my leg."

[Anchor Bananas board - SALUTE to the DICE GODS]

Score is X:33 O:38. Unlimited Game, Jacoby Beaver

| O X X O | | X O X |
| O | | X O X |
| O | | O |
| O | | O |
| 6 | | |
| |BAR| |
| | | |
| X | | |
| X | | |
| X | | O X O |
| X X X X | | O X O |
Pip count X: 149 O: 132 X-O: 33-38
Cube: 1
[Salute move: 21/20 6/4 5/4]

Gertie > "Yeah, great, Anchor Bananas. So how did that work out?"

Anchor Bananas > "Well, actually that wasn't my real move. I just threw that one in to pull your leg too, Gertie. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . > "I knew you'd be snooping around." :) (laughing)

Gertie > "THANKS A LOT. We may just THROW YOU OUTTA HERE in a big damn hurry IF YOU DON'T SHAPE UP, Bananas! We've done just fine without you for along time. Knowing you, I BET YOUR MOVE WAS TERRIBLE! SO LET'S SEE IT."

Anchor Bananas, clearing his throat > "Well, I'm not sure I still have that screenshot, Gertie. I think eXtreme Gammon looked at something like 32 moves. I was somewhere in the mid-20s when my screen went dark, so......."

Gertie > "Come on Anchor Bananas. I'm the sheriff around here, and you're not getting away with that kind of......"

Anchor Bananas > "Ok.. ok.. already, Gertie! I'll tell you what. If you can figure out how to link a sceenshot to a bulletin board message, I'll find the one with my mov......"

Gertie > "You got it Bananas. Consider it done. These two are going up right now, and I expect to see your move screenshot tomorrow with all 32 plays. And they'd better be listed in order or you're out-a-here. Period. Our BGonliner.org readers deserved to see the whole nine yards.

So you say your play was outside the top 20 somthings???! Doesn't sound to me like you've learned a thing, Bananas. Nothing. Here, go study "What's Your Game Plan" and report back to me in the morning with that move list. That's an order.

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