BGonline.org Forums
Monte Carlo Night/Casino Night
Posted By: Stick
Date: Friday, 10 March 2017, at 5:35 a.m.
At the end of the month in my home town they are holding a casino night to raise money for the athletic boosters. I was asked to help them and deal either blackjack or poker. While I'm sure I will deal, I also get the feeling I may rightfully be the decision maker for everything gambling. Having only attended one or two of these when I was decades younger, I'm wondering if there's anything someone might think I should know going in.
My home town is rather small. Everyone will know everyone and I'm not overly worried about shady characters and all that comes with. I do think about it though out of habit.
They are going to offer blackjack and no limit hold 'em. Their current idea is to have these games be cash only as it avoids having to obtain enough chips for the tables and also avoids (somewhat) having to have a cage. My emotions on this are very much a mixed bag. Feel free to weigh in. This is actual gambling, like in a casino, not like many Monte Carlo nights where you donate at the beginning and they give you fake chips to win prizes.
Likely there will be 9 poker tables and I don't know how many blackjack tables. I can't right now tell you how many people are set to attend to know if that's too few, too many, or the right amount of tables. I am proposing that they need no game higher than $1/$2 NL with all tables being no limit. In fact, I woudln't be opposed to having a couple lower limit tables, micro stakes, $.50/$1 for example but am open to suggestions.
As for blackjack, here are the rules I'm currently suggesting. I'm sure whatever I tell them will be law so before passing them on I thought I'd listen to anyone who might think this or that should be different. I haven't decided what I think the blackjack limits should be, maybe $5-$100?
I'm sure I've left out or simply don't know a plethora of details you might want to know but any feedback is appreciated.
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