BGonline.org Forums
6000 matches!
Posted By: Terje Pedersen
Date: Wednesday, 31 May 2017, at 7:43 a.m.
The other day I noticed that the number of matches in the database was getting close to 6000 matches to I made a little push and dusted off some old matches that weren't present in the database and oh hey! 6000 matches! :-)
Actually it is a bit above that now as Bob Wachtel sent me his last matches from the Worldwide Trophy Tbilisi tournament and a couple of other matches. Bob, Timur Azizov, János Csendes, Levan Kareli, Bakar Matikashvili and Karen Sarkisyan have all contributed to a great collection of matches from this tournament this year! Thanks a lot!
Worldwide Trophy Tbilisi has claimed the second spot in the tournament list that has generated the most transcribed matches this year only surpassed by Gothenburg Open! Pretty sweet! :-) This yearly tournament overview is also a feature I added a couple of days ago (go to menu/tournaments and select 2017 in the year dropdown). And what happens if you click on any of these tournament buttons? Head over to Backgammon Studio and find out! :-)
It looks like several tournaments have some great potential for improving their position in this list. If you happen to have a few matches played in any of these tournaments you know what to do!
And today the number of online matches played on Backgammon Studio also reached 6000! Pretty sweet! :-)
I see some of the top players haven't gotten around to raising their flag just yet (don't be shy!) but I suspect the US and Denmark does have some presence at the top. Who could have guessed? :-)
One of the unique differences with playing matches on Backgammon Studio as opposed to other online play sites is that the ranking list is based on average PR (you can sort it on other criteria if you wish) and I think that changes the focus a bit towards playing as well as you can instead of just playing for wins. At least that is the case for me and I suspect for many others. Win or lose is usually up to the dice but playing well is entirely up to you.
And there is perhaps an additional feature or two on Backgammon Studio which you won't find anywhere else! While I haven't collected enough new features to up the version number one new feature is so sweet it can't wait! Saved queries:
You can set up an interesting search and then save it for later. The same saved queries work in your private database as in the public database. Pretty useful in itself but I can think of a few other amusing uses: Custom week in review categories and custom training tracks could be pretty sweet to add.
I have also made an introduction video for this feature: Saved search queries
While you wait for another version update you can check out other interesting improvements in the Improvements section. or check out the Backgammon Studio facebook group.
Don't miss out and head over to Backgammon Studio today!
Backgammon Studio The swiss army knife of backgammon!
Best regards,
TPPS. Several users have tried to register with an invalid email address which would result in the confirmation email failing to be delivered. If you never heard anything back from your attempt to register you can just email me directly: terjepe@gmail.com and I'll help you out!
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