BGonline.org Forums
Exhaustion Take 1
Posted By: Stick
Date: Friday, 25 August 2017, at 10:28 p.m.
I've been quietly sitting back and watching the rules voting debacle of 2017 unfold because getting involved in the posting wars, as Rich I'm sure can tell you now, is exhausting. To make and support solid points while answering everyone's questions is like a job. It is too time consuming. My time is worth more than that. Your time is worth more than that. However, I'm a postwhore and like many of you a BGO addict on some level and I have to point out some things that have come up and been glossed over, misunderstood, or even beat to death in my opinion.
Before I start what will be a mild rantfest that may end with 1 post or 20 making no friends along the way, I want to preface it with my usual when I start to stir the shit. I appreciate the effort anyone puts in to promoting the game. I have an idea how sapping it is, how little reward is gained, monetarily or otherwise, and offer you a virtual tip of the hat and kudos.
The first statement I would like to debunk appeared in Karen's post where she stated:
It (the USBGF) has 1000 members who pay their dues presumably because they believe we deliver value and they believe in what we are doing.
At the time I discussed it with a person or two and we agreed that this isn't even close to accurate. I was going to let it die until today when in Albert Steg's post he went on to say quite accurately in my opinion 'There are many many USBGF members who joined during some tournament or other in order to qualify for the 'added money' and scarcely pay any notice at all to USBGF issues...
Originally I said something along the lines of the USBGF has as many members as it does because it hits people up after they win a tournament or are otherwise not mal intentionally guilted by their bg friends and acquaintances to get a membership. It's a super small price to pay to not be harassed. It's not that the USBGF has no value. I think the membership has value in some respects, but that does not equate to me personally, or many I believe, 'believing in what they do'. (to promote and advance the game)
Let me keep the first post short and sweet and end with answering some obvious questions that may arise. I have plenty of opinions on almost all things backgammon. I am not the right person to devote his time and energy promoting the game (in a USBGF capacity) for a variety of reasons. Because of this maybe some of you will say it's easy for me to armchair quarterback and you may be right. I'm still often bewildered when certain decisions are made and I've personally not heard a thing about them until the decision was made. I wouldn't mind being asked my two cents but even if my two cents are deemed by those in charge not worth the copper they're printed on, there are plenty of other people whose opinion on this matter or that matter I would value far more than my own and I'm shocked when I ask this person or that person and they weren't polled for their insights either.
Do you think Karen's original statement is true in its entirety, true with a grain a salt, well intentioned but inaccurate or as off kilter McGregor is if he really thinks he has a shot versus Mayweather?
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