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USBGF and the rules business

Posted By: Frank Talbot
Date: Monday, 28 August 2017, at 12:45 a.m.

I have been a director in the USBGF since last year. Shortly thereafter I realized they were working on rules for the game. It seemed like a worthy goal to try and standardize the rules throughout the USA so I did what I could to help. I did not question why. I felt it was a worthy need. I did not parse the mission statement and declare we should butt out. I knew that backgammon's leadership was and is changing. The longtime leadership was either quitting or slowing down. Who was going to step up? It looked to me like the only force doing it was the USBGF. So we tried and came out with our 1st version last October. It did not go over very well, especially with the tournament directors. There was lots of criticism. The rules were too long, we did not have enough input and we are the ones who have to deal with the fallout,the rules were sprung on us without warning, whats with the die on checker rule? and more. So we went back to the drawing board and basically started over. Most know the process- We came out with a 1st version, received input from various committees, made version 2, which went public for commentary, then version 3 formed which was voted on and passed. It seems like this kind of a process is how its supposed to be done. I could not think of a better way to do it. So pick at them all you want but if you can't stand this or that rule Make Your Case, get your support and maybe we can change it next year. The process was as open and transparent as was reasonably possible. If you can think of a better way to do it we are all ears.

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