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OT: TRUMP news

Posted By: Nack Ballard
Date: Monday, 13 November 2017, at 6:33 p.m.

Stick: So while lots of you bitch, moan, and complain about too many threads that are about the rules or maybe some other bg related thing that aren't bg problems, you're still a big part of the problem... You aren't posting problems yourself, you aren't replying to problems posted, and when someone new comes along you may not even be looking at his posts if they are bg problems!

After reviewing Stick's insightful (inciteful?) paragraph above, I asked myself, "Are bgonliners more interested in a backgammon position, or in some off-topic political post?" Let's see how many clicks I get compared to my average.

Meanwhile, as long as you're here, do you have the time and inclination to look at a backgammon position? If so, read on.

White is Player 2

score: 0
pip: 176
Unlimited Game
Jacoby Beaver
pip: 181
score: 0

Blue is Player 1

Blue to play 52

You have the Blue checkers. First, how many reasonable candidate plays can you find for a roll of 52 in this tough position? Then...

How do you play 52, for...

.....(1) Money ?

.....(2) DMP ?

.....(3) Gammon Save ?

.....(4) Gammon Go ?

.....(5) Gammon sad ?

.....(6) Gammon glad ?

For purposes of this thread, and in case they catch on, here are definitions of the above two terms:

"Gammon sad" is a score at which you need 1 point, Crawford game, and your opponent needs an even number of points (at least 4). You are SAD to lose a gammon, because it puts your opponent one game closer to winning the match than having won just a single game.

"Gammon glad" is a score at which you need an even number of points (at least 4) and your opponent needs 1, Crawford game. You are GLAD to win a gammon, because it puts you one game closer to winning the match than having won just a single game.

Examples of scores:

Gammon sad (Gs): c4, c6, c8, etc. (also written 1a4a Crawford, 1a6a Crawford, 1a8a Crawford, etc.)

Gammon glad (Gg): 4c, 6c, 8c, etc. (also written 4a1a Crawford, 6a1a Crawford, 8a1a Crawford, etc.)

In these definitions, it is understood that the small effects of a free drop and triple game are exceptional, and that each exact score generates similar but not identical tradeoffs to other scores on the same row.


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