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Unfortunate Clock Event in Las Vegas

Posted By: Bill Riles
Date: Monday, 9 November 2009, at 7:14 p.m.

In an Intermediate first round match Thursday Howard ultimately intervened because of slow play or, almost, refusal to play.

Player A is a friend of mine, a good player, and can be very deliberate in play. Player B was unknown to me but appeared to play much slower than Player A, to the point of Player A complaining and being frustrated by the slow play.

After 3.5 hours or so Player A led 6-3/11.

At this point, my first round match had been finished for some time and I was walking about the room observing matches, chatting, etc. I noticed, for an extended period of time, Player B contemplating a 2-cube offered by Player A. This was a non-contact bearoff position with Player A on roll with 1 off, Player B with none off, and a mutual pip count in the 80 range (I didn't count it) with Player A with probably a slight lead. My friends, we are talking the cube staying in the same position on the board for 25 minutes !!!!! I walked by once and the guy was tilted back in his chair (on rear two chair legs) pondering the cube decision ponderously while eating a candy bar. Ultimately, he left the table, with the live cube decision still in play, to get a drink, to go to the men's room, and to wander about the elevator lobby stretching, etc. I told Player A that Player B should have never been allowed to leave the table during a live cube decision, much less during a game.

John Carrico got involved (I don't know for sure if Player A complained to him or John happened upon the situation) and then Howard was summoned. I was playing a side event match by this time but it looked, from across the room, like a fairly animated discussion by Howard with Player B. He put the match on a clock, Player B immediately passed on the cube. Apparently, neither player had before played a live tourney match with a clock.

The match continued into the dinner break -- so, I don't know when it concluded nor, consequently, do I know it's ultimate length. However, with the clock, Player B reportedly started playing quite quickly while Player A apparently used much more time, comparatively, while on the clock. Player A timed out at DMP, Player B advanced. Reportedly, Player B celebrated the time out and told Player A that she deserved it (for involving the staff?). As an aside, if some opponent of mine would have acted like that and then said such to me, the staff would have been pulling my hands from around his neck. I do understand Player B apologized to Player A the next day for his behavior.

Player A then tried to re-enter the first round winner's bracket as was, seemingly, everyone's option. The second round winner's bracket would not be played until Friday morning. She was told it was too late to re-enter and was not allowed to do so. This portion of the circumstance I do not understand.

In any event, it was a most unfortunate circumstance. But it shows the time delay and time abuse that can occur. I cannot argue with the decision to implement the clock and I do not know the discussions/declarations by Howard when he intervened -- I would hope he severely reprimanded Player B for the actions around the 25 minute cube decision (with a forced ending).

I can only assume Player B was involved in some sort of gamesmanship ploy that is very unfortunate. Clocks can resolve this type of behavior but it seems Player A suffered the punishment for Player B's actions.

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