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Naccel 2 -- post #3
Posted By: Ian Shaw In Response To: Naccel 2 -- post #3 (Nack Ballard)
Date: Tuesday, 12 January 2010, at 10:49 a.m.
Thanks for that. I understand much better now. Naccel is a bearoff to the 6 point. That's why you must convert to a traditional pipcount by adding 90: you are moving 15 chequers 6 pips to bear them off.
In this instance, you trying to bear off White's chequers backward to the 6 point, which takes 12 pips, so the Naccel count is -2(0) or 0(-12). The chequer on S0 is already borne off, so counts for zero pips, but is still part of the formation.
I've drawn the same structure as a traditional bearoff for Blue in the diagram below. The pipcount is 12 no matter how many chequers are already borne off (pipcount = 0), so you can use any of them you like if it helps in visualising the chequers still on the board.
Naccel -2
Pipcount 12 Position ID: mgUAgFkAAAAAAA Match ID: cAkAAAAAAAAA
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