BGonline.org Forums
Rollout for 61P-42P-21
Posted By: neilkaz In Response To: Rollout for 61P-42P-21 (mtuhtan)
Date: Sunday, 18 April 2010, at 5:13 a.m.
You seem to have a nice fast computer. I don't recommend dumming down the later stages of a RO using 3 ply Red since it is about 10 ELO weaker and since this game will be complicated for some time. If you run a comparison test of two early game RO's (one 1296 games 3 ply)(the other 1296 games 3 ply Red) I think you'll come to the conclusion that the speed gain isn't worth losing about 10 ELO. (note that 3 ply is 32 ELO stronger than the much faster 2 ply)
I have been doing some 4 ply RO's of this and should have something to add in a few days. It is on the back burner here while I find a nice safe 24/7 overclock speed for my new i7-980X hexacore and while I RO a few things from today's comeback victory in the Dubrovnik T finals on GG.
.. neilkaz ..
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