BGonline.org Forums
Data for 43-d
Posted By: Nack Ballard In Response To: 43-d TCTC (Dmitriy Obukhov)
Date: Wednesday, 7 September 2011, at 5:36 a.m.
Thanks, Dmitriy, for the ^101*46 5 rollout of opening 43 at dmp.
Here is previous 43-d data. Below, I've added in the new result.
d[Z U2 D4 S5] /46 (CYep)
d[D S1 U2 Z2] <31 (Stick)
d[S Z1 D3 U6] ^69*34 28 (Dmitriy, Claude)
d[Z=S D2 U5] "<101*64 38 (Neil)
d[Z=S D1 U6] "^101*46 5 (Dmitriy)Key: S = Split (24/20 13/10), Z = reverse split (24/21 13/9), D = Down (13/10 13/9), U = Up (24/21 24/20). Margins are in thousandths. Before brackets, d = dmp. After brackets is a bot symbol ( / GnuBG, < XG1 3-ply, ^ XG1 4-ply, "< XG2 3-ply, "^ XG2 4-ply) and the number of trials in thousands, rounded down (an asterisk repeats a number).
For example, d[Z=S D1 U6] "101*46 5 means that at dmp, Z is best and S is -.000 (to three decimal places) in an XG2 4-ply rollout of 101000+ trials, D is -.001 after 46000+ trials, and U -.006 after 5000+ trials.
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