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43Z-63H-21, Nactation
Posted By: Nack Ballard In Response To: 43Z-63H-21 (Taper_Mike)
Date: Saturday, 5 November 2011, at 4:07 p.m.
Here are accurate Nactations:
@ (anchor) = Bar/23 24/23
U (Up) = Bar/23 24/23
V (Variant-up) = Bar/22@ and U are the same play. As the "hit/most/6" rule implies, the most-points convention is prioritized over the 6pt convention. This hierarchy works well everywhere else but sometimes causes the head of the family (U in the U/V family here) to be delegated to an inferior play deep in the opponent's board.
S (Split) = bar/24 13/11
Z (reverse split) = bar/24 13/11Yup, same play. (S and Z have similar definitions but are not in the same family.) When there is only one legal split-and-down play with a roll, such as opening 21 played 13/11 24/23, or opening 52 played 13/8 24/22, or bar/24 13/11 in the position above, S is typically used but either is okay.
In short (for non-doublets): S refers to the larger or only number moved by the back checker, Z to the smaller number moved by the back checker.
W (Wild) = bar/23 6/5
$ (Slot) = bar/24 6/4
% (alt slot) = bar/23 6/5Not paying attention, I failed to correct your recent post. The full rules for $ (Slot) are:
(1) Slot the 5pt or 4pt
(2) Most points
(3) Unstack the taller point
(4) Order of preference for point slotting: 5pt, 4pt, 7pt, 3pt, 2pt, 1ptAs (at first) the 5pt and 4pt are treated equally, the most-points convention prioritizes making the 24pt. Hence, $ = bar/23 6/4, and % = bar/24 6/5.
[One might choose to use assumption to override if nactating a match between competent players and bar/23 6/5 is obviously a good slotting play and bar/23 6/4 a terrible play, though it's a slippery slope.]
The underlying definition of W (Wild) is to split and slot in a blotty fashion. W is thus tailor made for Wild moves such as bar/23 6/5 in the position above. The point-making bar/24 6/4 wouldn't belong in the family, so w = bar/23 8/7.
In a given position, if you don't feel on solid ground using the stylish W or $, you can always adhere to the E family, which follows the straightforward hit/most/6 rule (where making the 24pt is a higher priority than the 6pt convention):
E (Each) = bar/24 6/4
e (Each) = bar/23 6/5There are also numerals:
4 (4pt) = bar/24 6/4
5 (5pt) = bar/23 6/5Nack
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