BGonline.org Forums
Email from Patti regarding GammonU / FIBS issues
Posted By: Michael Petch In Response To: Email from Patti regarding GammonU / FIBS issues (Bill Patterson)
Date: Tuesday, 10 January 2012, at 8:10 p.m.
Bill, I have been a member of Kit's site for a lot of years (Probably since 2002). It USE to be hosted at GammOnLine, then Kit got involved with another business that didn't work out. Because of that falling out, he then created a new domain to host the old GammOnLine content which is now at www.gammonu.com .
Kit Woolsey use to be one of the largest benefactors for FIBS in the 90's. Eventually Patti Beadles (The person who runs FIBS now) took over maintaining all the equipment and software. It just so happens that Patti Beadles hosts GAMMONU (Kit Woolsey's) site on the same equipment as the FIBS server. It appears that Patti and Kit have some kind of business arrangement as well as being friends.
Technically speaking Patti Beadles is the tech support person for Kit's site (as well as FIBS), and it was no coincidence that I suggested someone email Patti AND/OR Kit, which I ended up doing myself.
As the tech support person, Patti responded quickly to my email (which directed her to this thread) and she readily told me that there was an issue AND that it was related to network changes she did on January 7th AND that she would fix it quickly. If you read Patty's email you will see that she says some people (possibly as many as half) would be sent to FIBS and others would be sent to GAMMONU. You were one of the lucky ones that were sent to the right place. Just because you had no problem, didn't mean others weren't getting directed at FIBS.
There was an issue, it has been fixed by Patti and GammonU is fine now. And Patti's email contains the details to contact her directly in the future for any GammonU or FIBS issues.
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