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1-1 Many Choices

Posted By: Taper_Mike
Date: Thursday, 18 April 2013, at 10:23 a.m.

In Response To: 1-1 Many Choices (Seth)

The score (after 0 games) is: gnubg 0, sethmoney 0

Move number 6: gnubg to play 11


4X2X1O1O2X2X ' ' ' ' '1O

1O2O2O2O2O2O1O ' ' ' ' '



Ripping 4 is very tempting. Blue would still need 10 crossovers to beat the gammon, while White would need only 6 to win.

Given that kind of advantage, perhaps more temperance is called for. What about ripping 2, and lifting the 6pt? White would get down to 8 crossovers, and still be favored to win many gammons.

With 4 checkers on the 5pt, the only trouble numbers White would face are 1 and 2. But White wouldn’t have trouble, on the next turn at least, for he could play either of those numbers by ripping off a checker. If you think through the various permutations of high and low dice, you will see that the worst that could happen is that White be forced to leave a single blot later. But in many cases, he would have borne off 3 or 4 more checkers before that happens.

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