BGonline.org Forums
It Happens! 3-ply XG2 Rollout
Posted By: smcrtorchs In Response To: It Happens! 3-ply XG2 Rollout (Taper_Mike)
Date: Sunday, 11 August 2013, at 11:04 a.m.
I am sure that cell phone surfers are very rare on this site. But it happens once in a blue moon (maybe when bgoreaders go camping).
I am writing from an old iphone 3. When I open a bgo link for the first time the size of the font is not big enough to read comfortably and the screen is not formatted to display at the width of the rollout. Rollouts in this and other posts are too small when you open the link for the first time. When I open a link containing a rollout I have to pinch to zoom in until the RO width/length are close to the actual screenwidth/screenlength. When the text is beside the rollout I scroll to the right, then after I observe the RO results, I scroll back to the left again and then I scroll down again to see the remainder of the post. When the text is below the RO I just scroll down. This is less complicated, much easier for the eye and I believe the end user is more accustomed to it. Also for me on my cellphone, it is easier to scroll diagonally by mistake when I try to scroll horizontally rather than scroll diagonally by mistake when I try to scroll vertically.
conclusion: text below RO is the right idea for smartphones. If the size of a bgo post,containing an RO, was adjusted on its own so that the RO length is just a bit smaller than the actual screenlength then this would be a clear further improvement as the user would not have to pinch in. However I believe that smartphone users are so used at pinching all the time and therefore the improvement would be considered small.
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