BGonline.org Forums
eXtreme Gammon 2.12 preview - Social Media Features
Posted By: eXtreme Gammon
Date: Wednesday, 26 February 2014, at 3:37 a.m.
I've put a preview (beta) of XG 2.12 on www.extremegammon.com/private/XG2install.exe
One of the main change that I need feedback on, is the integration with Facebook and Twitter. You will notice icon in the bottom left that allow you to post a position to these 2 Social Media. Yoou can also access it using the menu "File>>export>>social media" or CTRL+SHIFT+F
The position (and the analyze if selected) is posted as an image. You can optionally add the XGID in text (for copy pasting) and the hash-tag #eXtremeGammon
You can include a custom message. If posting simultaneously to FB and Twitter the length is limited by twitter (48 characters if including hash-tag and XGID)
I am not much into social media so your feedback will be very valuable to me. For instance including the hash-tag seems the way to go as it seems it will allow people to search all tweet or public FB posting.
Other changes in 2.12 are
CPU running AMD processor are not using AVX anymore as it is slower on these. Board can be created using custom textures (no interface , you need to manualy edit the 3dBoard*.ini files) All Activations are made using port 80 if 5001 fails due to firewall Bug fixes:
Export as publication with player on top on roll. Fixed display issue with Trice Count Export as HTML: fix "Always Display board" The setting for delay between move is now saved. Fixed minor error in evaluation in position within 2 roll from game end. Please post your feedback here or email me at contact@extremegammon.com
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