BGonline.org Forums
Safe Harbor Games
Posted By: DanielP In Response To: Safe Harbor Games (roadkillbooks)
Date: Sunday, 14 December 2014, at 10:08 p.m.
there are several rooms to choose from, for "real" dice select one of the rooms with the yellow dice next to the same. somewhere on the backgammon page i believe there is a calendar, click on a specific date and it will tell you which rooms are hosting tourneys and at what time. just remember all the times are in pacific time. most folks play in the rated room, but there are no tourney's there. gammonzone hosts several tourney's during the day and that would be where most serious players head. the other tourney's on SHG are mainly for social players and just for fun. warpgammon hosts several events and tourneys but they are mutli day or events that run throughout the month rather than a real time tourney.
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