BGonline.org Forums
Camera app - position recognition
Posted By: RobertFontaine
Date: Saturday, 25 July 2015, at 1:43 a.m.
It seems like I should be able to find this. For Sudoku I have an android app where I can take a picture of a Sudoku in the newspaper and it recognizes the grid and the characters and displays a new Sudoku for me to play in the app.
I miss using my real board. I would love to be able to set up a position or take a picture of my board and have it generate the xgid for me.
I imagine for tournament players that a camera based notater would be very nice, especially for streaming play when it would be better to hear commentary than waste a player manually entering positions into XG and potentially less error prone.
In my case I would probably set up a camera over my board just for the pleasure of using my 2' bakelite checkers...
So has someone written this yet?
A simple version that just generated an xgid into the clipboard for pasting could probably be written very quickly.
A fancy version that drove positions into XG from a video stream might take a little longer depending on what libraries and apps already exist in the public domain.
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