BGonline.org Forums
BG Study Group - Kickoff Meeting & Agenda
Posted By: RobertFontaine
Date: Saturday, 3 October 2015, at 12:29 a.m.
Oct 10, 2015 15:00 UTC. That's next saturday morning in North America and afternoon in Europe.
For Japan/Australia that's probably some truly obscene time where you should either be sleeping or drunk.
Google Hangouts supports 10 video connections and 100 text chat lines. I have set up a constantly open meeting for you to check your technical issues in advance.
The draft agenda and link are here...
Rather than cluttering up Stick's forum with lots of unrelated chatter I would ask you to use email for questions, comments, barbs and boquets etc. I will set up some kind of forum, email distribution group for the study group shortly and send it out via email.
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