BGonline.org Forums
Can it be all coincidence?
Posted By: Jack Mack
Date: Saturday, 18 February 2017, at 5:10 a.m.
Take a look at this: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rec.games.backgammon/nYr_oLBYH0g/BEPsF-jYBQAJ
He gives dozens of examples of same/similar positions where both Gnubg and XG fail to resign in "gin-positions", even when both bots do realize it and as a result also both bots make "random" (inconsequential) moves.
And based on this, he questions/concludes that XG must still be using Gnubg GPL code (as it was admitted by Xavier about the earlier version/s) in violation/non-compliance.
Personally, I'm convinced but I will listen to any counter arguments why I (and/or others) shouldn't be??
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