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"Hero Bots" bad for backgammon :(

Posted By: Jack Mack
Date: Saturday, 18 February 2017, at 6:04 a.m.

After reading the thread about how to "make backgammon great again", create heroes, "sucker 20-somethings and teens by showing large sums of cash changing hands in a chouette by using Instagram and Snapchat", etc.

I wondered if the entire backgammon community's worshipping and wanting to emulate bots might not be one major problem?

In chess (or in poker yet, for example), playing against bots doesn't necessarily mean playing like bots.

Chess bots can rival human grandmasters not because there is a "bot style" of playing chess but because bots can do better at "human style" (in fact the one and only way) of playing chess than humans can do, thanks to their brute computing power.

This is not the case in backgammon, where the humans strive to outplay bots at "bot style" play, which naturally they can't achieve even though the "bot style" play is actually limiting for the humans capacities. :(

So, with bots being the heroes of backgammon, is there any wonder why there is no room for any human heroes?

First, backgammon needs to be "re-humanized"!

Then, bots need to be reinvented/improved/perfected to beat the humans who play like humans.

Take a look at these RGB articles:



And visit the links provided in the articles:



And at least look at his video-recorded sessions, with a real time ticking clock (and the one continuous dice rolls log in the case of XG) on the board.

Unless some people can offer arguments to disprove that those videos (and the accompanying files) are genuine, shouldn't it be reconsidered whether the "bot style" play is the only way and whether bots are really stronger than humans?

Often times, seemingly underdogs eventually become heroes. Who knows who may be next...? ;)

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