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31 via text

Posted By: hominid
Date: Thursday, 2 March 2017, at 12:42 p.m.

In Response To: 31 via text (Stick)

To a roll counter this is a no brainer. The obvious problem is blues runner and theres not a lot else you can do with the 1 , 23/22 . The chances of it being pointed on remain the same 16 rolls. The runner can now escape in one roll. It can be **** hard to escape if not near the head. Knowing I have a 3 to play I look for duplication on 5,4,3,2. Obviously the 2 is duplicated 4/1. Not only does this make an early point but cuts the chances of the runner being pointed to 9 rolls. Surely a win win situation. I will not even bother to do a rollout , oh sorry of course I've already done that, how else would I have arrived at such a nice solution. Sorry there's no easy way to sugar coat this problem. High 5's for all roll counters.

A while back I lost a few brain cells. Recently a guy had a head injury and on recovery he could play brilliantly on the piano, which he could not before. I thought I might have Such a moment in backgammon, I did. I always have had reservations regarding market losers, as they can be a double edged sword. Suddenly a light went on re using market losers to calculate cube situations. Its just another name for roll odds lol.

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