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I must need a new dictionary
Posted By: Jack Mack In Response To: I must need a new dictionary (David Rennie)
Date: Monday, 27 March 2017, at 8:23 a.m.
"Mine doesn't define "rhetorical" as petty and dickish."
I didn't know what "petty" meant in order to understand what "rhetorical" meant and so I looked it up in my dickishtionary.
It defines it as "smallish" and uses the example: "Petty thief who steals public intellectual property and who then peddles it for a smallish price and a pettyish profit".
It didn't have a definition for "dickish" but while searching for it, I came across "Davidish"! :)
Meaning "small like David's dick". Not referring to the size of your peepee but to the size of Michelangelo's statue David's peepee. ;)
I'm not kidding. Look it up or Google it and you will find it.
So, I guess your comment was a "Davidish" one...? Har har :))
You can't keep up with me with your "Davidish"... let's just limit our selection of words to only one say "brain". :(
Just give up and go away!
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