I'm spending a little time working on back game technique, playing out a position Stick offered up in “Improving Your Game” GammonVillage 2010 (Thanks, Stick!). I'm making plenty of useful errors to learn from, and this is by no means one of the bigger ones, but Im having a hard time 'learning' something from it. My thinking was that at this point I should allow White's 8 'free' checkers to crash and then work on releasing more from my home board, maybe getting myself hit in the process, to get further White checkers killed. It looks like my timing is good enough that I can expect White to break his 4-point, which seems productive.
So, why hit here? Can someone suggest "how I'm hoping things to go" from here after hitting? After hitting, am I breaking my 10-point, hoping to bleed checkers off the front of White's forward anchor -- or what?

 | | White is Champion
score: 0 pip: 188 | Unlimited Game Jacoby Beaver | pip: 138 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=--bbcBBBBBB---A-aBaa-b-ba-:1:-1:1:31:0:0:3:0:10 |
Blue to play 31 |
1. | XG Roller++ | 17/16* 16/13 | eq: +1.113 |
| Player: Opponent: | 84.70% (G:47.39% B:2.01%) 15.30% (G:1.05% B:0.03%) | |
2. | XG Roller++ | 17/16* 14/11 | eq: +1.112 (0.000) |
| Player: Opponent: | 84.61% (G:47.61% B:2.00%) 15.39% (G:1.07% B:0.04%) | |
3. | XG Roller++ | 17/14 17/16* | eq: +1.104 (-0.009) |
| Player: Opponent: | 84.45% (G:47.14% B:2.02%) 15.55% (G:1.11% B:0.04%) | |
4. | XG Roller++ | 17/13 | eq: +1.077 (-0.036) |
| Player: Opponent: | 85.92% (G:41.27% B:1.45%) 14.08% (G:1.06% B:0.03%) | |
5. | XG Roller++ | 14/10 | eq: +1.076 (-0.036) |
| Player: Opponent: | 85.81% (G:41.55% B:1.46%) 14.19% (G:1.06% B:0.03%) | |
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10