BGonline.org Forums
The 'window' that is not a window..
Posted By: sebalotek
Date: Friday, 25 August 2017, at 12:12 a.m.
Sooo, it's time again for my annual attempt to understand this concept.
In a recent thread
this came up...
MC>> Based on the score I thought the doubling window was between 70-83%. Having 74% I figured blue had a solid double. The only thing I could come up with is the crossovers were the reason to wait here.
AC>> My Understanding is that the doubling point is the minimum possible GWC where it might be correct to double. Just because you've entered the window doesn't mean it's right to double.
"the doubling point is the minimum possible GWC where it might be correct to double."
Why is the word "might" used in the sentence above? Is it impossible for a modern day computer to compute *exactly* where the actual bottom edge of the doubling window occurs?
It implies to me that the computer *does* know where the definite entry point to the doubling window is, if it feels it can ding us for a 'No double' error. Otherwise how can it say that it is an error?!
And if it knows the 'real' point at which it is correct to double (the beginning of the definite doubling window), why doesn't it tell us that instead? (It would be much more useful!)
Just because you've entered the (doubling) window doesn't mean it's right to double.
Sorry if this is a dumb question - please can anybody explain in plain and simple English?
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