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Holding game 53 - 1296 XG Rollout
Posted By: neilkaz In Response To: Holding game 53 - 1296 XG Rollout (eXtreme Gammon)
Date: Saturday, 28 November 2009, at 3:06 a.m.
OK here's a couple insights...
This position is very near a cube turn so small cubeless differences can reslt in larger cubeful differences. That is what has happened here.
Also, as I tell everyone, if you don't really understand what the rollout is telling you, make sure that the RO is long enough (it is here to be sure of the top play, although the difference could be less).
You could also try running a GNU 2 ply RO here, and see if it shows the same play on top.
Also blazing XG speed here, likely from your i7, so you could put a couple plays thru a 4 ply RO and see if anything changes.
Back to the position and I guess that it isn't so bad to go to the ace pt since this will often happen later and Black tries to hold White with his outside points and let White's board shatter.
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