BGonline.org Forums
Hand recording stats & observations
Posted By: Jason Lee
Date: Wednesday, 30 December 2009, at 5:43 a.m.
I recorded by hand part of a practice clocked match today. The match got interrupted because the building was closing and they kicked us out.
We played for 70 minutes with no breaks. It took me 27 minutes to enter the data. On video, I'd be lucky to enter it in double that time. I made three mistakes in recording, one of which was trivial to fix because I remembered the play. The other two were tougher, since I misrecorded the dice, but I was lucky to be able to guess the correct roll without much trouble. The advice about making damn sure you get the dice roll right rings very true. The next time I do this, I'll set up my video camera to record as a backup in case I make a mistake like that.
I keep saying that nactation hasn't penetrated my gray matter, but that's not true, as I used some easy nactation a couple of times.
It's only part of one match, but the manual recording didn't seem to affect my play -- on the contrary, my ER was quite a bit better than my usual triple digits.
Some other simplifications in recording:
- In the bearoff, I assume greedy bearoff, so I can just note the dice roll. In a case where assuming greedy is ambiguous or somebody makes a non-greedy play, then I write down a move.
- I do not write down forced parts of a move. For example, if you're coming off the bar and your checker must go to a certain place (like you enter with a 65 and the 6 pt is occupied), I just write down the non-forced part. Of course, if the entire move is forced, I just write the dice roll. Whatever program you're using to transcribe should just make the forced play, of course.
- Sometimes I can just write * for a hit when there's only one way to hit a checker (like a fly shot).
- If you're using GNUBG to transcribe, it's got a nice mouse shortcut -- instead of moving the checkers, if you make a point, you can click on an empty point it will move two checkers to that point. For example, on an opening 42, just click on the empty four point. Voila!
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