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Hand recording stats & observations

Posted By: Chuck Bower
Date: Wednesday, 30 December 2009, at 6:36 p.m.

In Response To: Hand recording stats & observations (Jason Lee)

Thanks for sharing your experience. When I've recorded other peoples' matches, the worst problems for me have come during the bearoff as these tend to move so quickly that I can't get things written down. When I asked Butch Meese for tricks about recording matches he said something that others here have found out as well: ALWAYS RECORD THE DICE if that's the only thing you can do.

There is another technique I haven't seen mentioned here (maybe I missed it) which doesn't come up often as far as resolving ambiguities but when it does it can be a timesaver: if you write down both moves of the two dice, do them in the same order as the order of the dice you wrote down.

E.g. under that convention 32 6 10 is a shortcut for 9/6, 12/10 but not for 8/6, 13/10.

There are some things that are more relevant when recording someone else's match as opposed to your own, but even for your own if you're playing a weak player. Stick mentioned the donkey tiebreaker, but the less expert the opponent the less that works. To make absolutely sure I don't influence the match I never write down a play in anticipation of someone making it. Also, if a player makes a move, stops and backs up, I leave the move down and only scratch it off once they've completed the turn with an alternate move. Usually they end up making that play anyway, so why have to write it down twice? :)

Similar to playing the game, some people are just better at recording than others. Stick could probably record two matches simultaneously and never miss a move. I couldn't. Once he recorded a match between Perry and me. He was looking around the room, texting his underage cousin, checking basketball scores, etc. At least he wasn't braying.

As always, do what works for you.

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