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Problem wtih Gammon Empire

Posted By: leemo
Date: Sunday, 22 January 2012, at 5:01 a.m.

In Response To: Problem wtih Gammon Empire (Svilen Dimitrov)

It's their site, they can close any account for their own real or manufactured reasons and are under no obligation to persuade anyone as to the correctness of their decision.

My perception of GE from experience and hearsay echos that of the poster who said there are questionable names associated with the site. Each to his own, though I for one wouldn't be trusting them to safely administer more than a token amount of my rupees.

One other point which may be contentious but should be touched on anyway as a double underlined caveat emptor: posts complaining about a lack of timely response to legitimate enquiries and slow motion payments are hauntingly similar to the tactics used by Gamesgrid during its winding down process. In my case, after weeks of having my emails, GG messages and online chats totally blanked by every GG mod, I managed to recover the bulk of my account balance only after managing to get the Maltese regulator involved. And believe it, that was some feat.

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