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Problem wtih Gammon Empire

Posted By: leemo
Date: Sunday, 22 January 2012, at 3:15 p.m.

In Response To: Problem wtih Gammon Empire (Casper van der Tak)

Sorry, I haven't read the entire thread so may have missed it in the shuffle. I didn't know they have confiscated money under the pretext of magnanimous public service, i.e. fingering an innocent until proven otherwise bot and summarily punishing it. Re: the episode with my Thai friend, they did pay up.

As you say, if their terms of use allow them to raid accounts at will or convenience without convincing proof then it may well be that they are trading under an illegal contract. But as another poster pointed out, although some of those associated with the site wouldn't cast shadows on a sunny day, suspecting foul play and doing something effective about it are two very different matters. Internet Law is still in early evolution, and not always easy to enforce or prosecute.

As for the 'conficated' funds, it would be interesting to know if these are frozen pending further action, shared by the top brass as a reward for sniffing out a bot, or donated to some other blinding cause.

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