BGonline.org Forums
Why are the Daily Quizzes so unpopular?
Posted By: Chuck Bower In Response To: Why are the Daily Quizzes so unpopular? (Timothy Chow)
Date: Wednesday, 23 May 2012, at 12:21 p.m.
I suspect most people's answers for your question (and most of those will go unposted) have little to do with whether or not the quiz answers are posted quickly nor how soon Stick e-mails the analyses. Name someone who is even moderately serious about BG and at a minimum semi-literate with a PC who doesn't at least have GNU-bg to check the answers.
Here are a few that I think could play a role:
1) The problems are difficult. It takes time (for many) to even find the candidates in some cases. Then the candidates must be analyzed.
2) Public humiliation avoidance.
3) Backgammon position overload.
It's a lot easier to read (and respond to) the potpouri posts here than to actual BG problems.
Bottom line: when the learning curve gets steep, the effort required becomes significant.
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