BGonline.org Forums
Memo #2
Posted By: Stick
Date: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, at 2:43 p.m.
What's that? Do you see what I see?! Lions and tigers and bears oh my!
Just below the message field where you put and can save your password there's this magical thing the creator of these forums was wise enough to include, it's called a Preview Message button. It's right beside the button we all know you hit to post your message so you have to have seen it.
It takes you easily less than the 12s delay on your bg clock to hit the preview message button and take a quick once over of your message. Things you might want to do are make sure your message is formatted properly, if you have posted a position make sure it's the right one, if it's a position make sure there is or isn't bot analysis included, make sure your reply is in the correct thread, etc...
Mistakes are still bound to happen and I'll fix them when needed. If you mispell misspell nobody cares, we'll all understand and move on, don't worry about it. If it's something more severe that actually matters, drop me a line one way or another and I'll fix it. I'd just prefer not to waste time every day adjusting things that could have been easily and quickly avoided but clicking on the preview button.
Latest example and not to pick on Paul, but this thread. It was posted in the wrong spot. Moving one message is a minor pain. I have to open (at least) two windows, I have to hunt down the original thread, then I have to copy and paste everything over posting it under my own name. Then I have to go back and change the poster's information from my own to whomever posted it. This error compounds on itself if anyone has already replied to the thread that was in the wrong place. Now I have to repeat that process for every post within' that thread.
Some errors are much easier to fix but still, there's going to be no quicker correction than if you had hit the preview message button and taken a glance at your message before posting it.
BGonline.org Forums is maintained by Stick with WebBBS 5.12.