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GNUbg *RO* confirms XG results

Posted By: leobueno
Date: Tuesday, 1 January 2013, at 7:49 p.m.

In Response To: Rollout and variant (Timothy Chow)

JSD > 4.

The score (after 0 games) is: GNUbg 0, leobueno 0

Move number 5: leobueno to play 42


 ' '3X3X2X3X2O ' ' ' ' '

 '2O2O '3O2O3O1O ' ' '3X
Position ID: 3O2AA0A2twvAAA Match ID: QQkKAAAAAAAA

• leobueno moves 18/16 18/14

Alert: bad move ( -0.046)

# Ply Move Equity
1 R 8/6 7/3 +0.419
70.3 16.0 0.1- 29.7 5.0 0.2 +0.516 +0.419
0.3 0.4 0.0- 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.007 0.009
Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.
363 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 701401179 and quasi-random dice
Stop when best play is enough JSDs ahead: limit 2.4 (min. 360 games)
Play: supremo 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
keep the first 0 0-ply moves and up to 16 more moves within equity 0.32
Skip pruning for 1-ply moves.
Cube: 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
2 R 18/16 18/14 +0.373 ( -0.046)
70.9 14.4 0.2- 29.1 9.9 0.5 +0.459 +0.373
0.2 0.3 0.0- 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.006 0.007
Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.
360 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 701401179 and quasi-random dice
Stop when best play is enough JSDs ahead: limit 2.4 (min. 360 games)
Play: supremo 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
keep the first 0 0-ply moves and up to 16 more moves within equity 0.32
Skip pruning for 1-ply moves.
Cube: 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
3 R 18/14 8/6 +0.350 ( -0.069)
69.0 16.4 0.2- 31.0 8.5 0.3 +0.456 +0.350
0.3 0.3 0.0- 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.006 0.009
Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.
361 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 701401179 and quasi-random dice
Stop when best play is enough JSDs ahead: limit 2.4 (min. 360 games)
Play: supremo 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
keep the first 0 0-ply moves and up to 16 more moves within equity 0.32
Skip pruning for 1-ply moves.
Cube: 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
4 R 8/2 +0.305 ( -0.114)
66.9 12.8 0.1- 33.1 6.3 0.3 +0.402 +0.305
0.2 0.4 0.1- 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.006 0.008
Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.
360 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 701401179 and quasi-random dice
Stop when best play is enough JSDs ahead: limit 2.4 (min. 360 games)
Play: supremo 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
keep the first 0 0-ply moves and up to 16 more moves within equity 0.32
Skip pruning for 1-ply moves.
Cube: 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
5 2 18/16 7/3 +0.221 ( -0.198)
64.5 16.4 0.2 - 35.5 12.0 0.8
2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
6 2 18/14 7/5 +0.184 ( -0.235)
63.4 15.6 0.3 - 36.6 12.5 0.8
2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
7 2 7/3 5/3 +0.136 ( -0.283)
61.3 11.5 0.1 - 38.7 7.5 0.2
2-ply cubeful prune [world class]
8 2 8/6 5/1 +0.127 ( -0.292)
60.5 15.0 0.1 - 39.5 9.4 0.2
2-ply cubeful prune [world class]

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