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52S-31P-61P-53P-F-21 Rollout
Posted By: Stick In Response To: 54S-33A-61, and 52S-31P-61P-53P-F-21U-61 (Nack Ballard)
Date: Monday, 14 April 2014, at 9:58 a.m.
I initially abandoned my attempt to Nactate the longer sequence because I couldn't picture 24/21 being played anywhere in the mix. I guess it's good enough I'll excuse it this time.
White is Player 1
score: 0
pip: 156Unlimited Game
Jacoby Beaverpip: 155
score: 0
Blue is Player 2XGID=aa-B-BC-A---cE---cbe----B-:0:0:1:12:0:0:3:0:10 Blue to play 12
1. Rollout1 24/23 13/11 eq: +0.342
Opponent:57.27% (G:21.22% B:0.88%)
42.73% (G:11.77% B:0.65%)Conf.: ± 0.008 (+0.334...+0.350) - [79.1%]
Duration: 1 hour 12 minutes2. Rollout1 24/21 eq: +0.336 (-0.006)
Opponent:57.03% (G:19.40% B:0.76%)
42.97% (G:10.40% B:0.50%)Conf.: ± 0.007 (+0.328...+0.343) - [11.6%]
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes3. Rollout1 13/10 eq: +0.335 (-0.007)
Opponent:56.83% (G:21.38% B:0.99%)
43.17% (G:11.74% B:0.66%)Conf.: ± 0.008 (+0.327...+0.343) - [9.4%]
Duration: 1 hour 09 minutes1 5184 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 92498664
Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG RollereXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10
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