BGonline.org Forums
4-ply/XGR rollout
Posted By: Petter Bengtsson In Response To: 3ply-3ply 10000 times Rollout + my thought (Stick)
Date: Wednesday, 15 July 2015, at 6:20 p.m.
White is Player 2
score: 5
pip: 19025 point match pip: 152
score: 5
Blue is Player 1XGID=aB-e-BBBB-A----b---bcbD---:1:1:1:00:5:5:0:25:10 Blue on roll, cube action?
Analyzed in Rollout No redouble Redouble/Take Player Winning Chances: 67,24% (G:36,68% B:1,61%) 67,29% (G:37,28% B:1,74%) Opponent Winning Chances: 32,76% (G:8,32% B:0,37%) 32,71% (G:8,47% B:0,46%) Cubeless Equities +0,649 +1,303 Cubeful Equities No redouble: +0,899 (-0,101) ±0,008 (+0,892..+0,907) Redouble/Take: +1,039 (+0,039) ±0,013 (+1,026..+1,052) Redouble/Pass: +1,000 Best Cube action: Redouble / Pass Rollout details 2592 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 13579
Moves: 4-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
Search interval: HugeDouble Decision confidence: 100,0% Take Decision confidence: 100,0% Duration: 2 hours 19 minutes eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10, MET: Kazaross XG2
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