BGonline.org Forums
Posted By: Karen Davis
Date: Monday, 21 August 2017, at 1:08 a.m.
A few posts have raised questions about the contribution the U.S. Backgammon Federation has made over the years. This response represents my personal opinions and is not to be taken as coming from the USBGF or representing the views, policies or opinions of the USBGF, its Officers or Board of Directors.
I have served on the Board since its founding in 2009, Chairman from 2010-2016, and President/Executive Director since January 2017. I decided early on there was no end of talking and not enough getting the work done. Sometimes, not all of the Board members are pulling in the same direction and clashes of opinion occur. This is the value of having a large and diverse board elected by the members. The USBGF Rules certainly were the result of vigorous internal debate and dedicated volunteer effort of distinguished members of the backgammon community and Board members who contributed their time and expertise in putting them forward for member consideration.
I rarely comment on this forum, preferring to focus on providing a quality service to USBGF members and the backgammon community. But I do believe in listening, including to those who post on this forum, and making changes in response. We haven’t always gotten it right, and we’ve had to make corrections along the way. On balance though I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished and would like to share a few high points.
As an economist who headed a $700 million nonprofit organization for 20 years, I do believe the ultimate test of an organization is a market test, although that’s sometimes difficult to assess in the nonprofit world. Here’s why I have been willing to contribute generously to the USBGF both in unpaid volunteer service and financially.
Backgammon is a wonderful game, it’s fun, it’s intellectually challenging. But tournament backgammon participation was on the decline. Something had to be done. Since the USBGF’s founding, we’ve made slow but steady progress. For example, there were 1800 total ABT Main division entrants in 2000 which had dropped to 1700 in 2010 when the USBGF got underway. By 2015 we passed the 1800 mark, 1900 in 2016, and we’re on track to cross 2000 in 2017. We’ve helped spur this turnaround through extensive promotion of tournaments to backgammon players in e-mail announcements, social media including our USBGF/ABT Facebook sites, magazine, and website, and, importantly, providing added money in the last three years by raising funds from prime benefactors.
But I’m also trained to know that it’s hard to tell what would have happened in any event. So I look to what the USBGF has offered and whether it’s passing a market test. Here are some accomplishments that suggest that it has: • It has 1000 members who pay their dues presumably because they believe we deliver value and they believe in what we are doing. • Financially we’re sound. http://usbgf.org/about-us/usbgf-organzation-reports/us-backgammon-2016-financial-statements-final/ We haven’t raised dues since 2013, but we cover expenses through membership dues, sponsor contributions, sales and advertising, and unpaid volunteer effort. Only a couple of key staff receive compensation and even that is well below market rates (I’ve always donated my time but know others aren’t always able to do that). The vast amount of the work gets done through volunteer contributions of time, effort, and talent. Their willingness to do so is also a testament to the organization and what we are trying to do. • We’re grateful to have 137 Founding Sponsors, Corporate Sponsors, and Prime Benefactors who have donated over $215,000 to the organization. One-third of that came from Board members who believe in the organization. These contributions have made it possible to provide about $45,000 in added money to USBGF Prime Tournaments over the last three years. We recently recruited a new corporate sponsor, Gammon Stuff, who is donating 10 FTH backgammon sets each valued at $800 to 10 major tournaments in 2018. • The PrimeTime Backgammon magazine is widely recognized as the premier quality backgammon magazine, professionally written, edited, produced, and electronically distributed. It is a major factor in the decision of three-fourths of our members to be Premium members. Forty issues of what is now over a 120+ page magazine chockful of analytical articles and backgammon news have been produced and released largely on schedule. Over 50 leading backgammon analysts have authored articles without compensation. Yes, print copies at $20 are expensive, but the price is set to cover printing costs and we hope to hold the line or lower the price as our print subscription base continues to grow. • Our USBGF Online Circuit launched in the autumn of 2012, has mounted over 350 online tournaments, bringing the thrill of top-flight international competition to all members. The online USBGF Federation Cup tournament alone last year had almost 450 entrants, and the 128 slots in monthly tournaments are quickly filled. • We established the American Backgammon Hall of Fame, honoring 20 distinguished contributors to the game in its first three years. • We bring recognition to player accomplishments through establishment and publicizing of the USBGF Master Points System, and now with acquisition of the ABT availability of a sortable list of ABT point recipients, recognition of winners of ABT, online, regional, and local club tournaments on USBGF and ABT Facebook sites, magazine, and website. • We are recruiting new players to backgammon. As part of a Newcomer and Novice Initiative spearheaded by Board members Frank Talbot and Julius High, we’ve provided free books for novices by Bill Robertie and Chris Bray to over 150 Novice entrants at ABT tournaments. The number of ABT Novices has climbed from 135 in 2015 to 190 in 2016 and is on course to exceed 200 in 2017. We’re now running online tournaments for Novices. We have over 200 USBGF Teaching Videos on our website for members, most aimed at Novices and Intermediates. • We support streaming of expert matches at ABT tournaments and the Backgammon World Championships. Archived and transcribed matches are accessible free of charge to all. This is an invaluable tool helping everyone improve their game.
We know we have a long way to go. Transforming the website so that the rich information it provides is more attractive and easily accessible is a top priority and we’re working on it. We are developing a new local club initiative that includes added money for annual local club tournaments and support to local club directors in growing attendance. We’re continuing to work to attract more sponsors. With the acquisition of the ABT, we are looking to new opportunities to achieve synergies – look for upcoming notice on travel discounts to ABT tournaments. A lot of USBGF work will be required to administer the ABT, with an ongoing historical database to be maintained, so that our members can continue to enjoy the benefits of this annual competition and continue to ensure that the backgammon playing experience is enjoyable. We’re heartened by new volunteers who are bringing fresh ideas, new energy, and talent to these priorities.
So please continue to give us suggestions. We’re eager to continue to better serve you. Supporting us with volunteer help, contributions, and even appreciation is also nice!
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