BGonline.org Forums
Kangaroo count
Posted By: Nack Ballard In Response To: Kangaroo count (Tom Keith)
Date: Sunday, 3 January 2010, at 6:29 p.m.
The method assumes all checkers are on the board -- none on the bar, none borne off.
An unfortunate rumor that was circulated. Actually, it does work, for all cases. You just need to add 2 pips for each checker on the bar, and subtract 2 for each checker borne off. This can be done either before or during the fine tuning.
In your diagrammed example (opening position), say we move the 24pt checker to the roof (where it is still visually considered a back checker). The count is conducted the same as before, reaching the same approximate count of 165. Then add 1 for the 24pt-23pt adjustment and 2 for the 25pt-23pt adjustment. Exact count = 168.
This time, we'll bear off White's 24pt checker. Now the count is 12 + 4, double to 32, plus 6, triple to 114 and add 30, for 144 (approx. count). 24pt-23pt is +1 and borne-off checker is -2. Exact count = 143.
It doesn't make sense to use Kangaroo for the bear-off (though it still works), because it's easy to count the checkers in the inner board (plus maybe a few in the outer board, for most people). But if the color being counted has checkers occupying multiple quadrants (including any number on the roof) with either no checkers (usual) or some checkers (unusual) borne off, Kangaroo works its magic.
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